Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I was in the Sacramento Co-op tonight picking up a couple of items (bulk dried mushrooms, yum) and meant to grab the brochure to join on my way out and instead grabbed something with "Enjoy!" in big yellow letters across the top. (I was tired, it was yellow and bold, you know how it is.) Much to my delight it's a listing of their community learning center's cooking school! If you want to learn how to cook your own fantastic meal (that will be sustainable and organic, natch) here's the place to look. A couple of highlights: Eileen's Kitchen 6 course meal (vegetarian) benefiting Soil Born Farms on March 13th, Sensational Sushi on March 5th, Wine Country Cuisine on March 7th, East Meets West at the Armenian Table on March 12th, and Spanish Tapas on March 30th. They're also doing a series of classes on Indian and Italian food (these are separate classes), although most of them took place earlier in Feb and January. They also have healthy eating classes, yoga and other fitness/wellness classes, and community education classes that include classes on safely biking in winter weather (I think I need this one). Most classes are $25-35 and it looks like you get to eat in all of them, which makes it more than worth it in my book. (The Wine Country Cuisine class includes wine for $45 non-member.) The best part is that there are so many classes in this little brochure that I didn't list them all, although I'm sure you're thinking I did by this point.
Oh--and if you work at a class by assisting the chef or cleaning up you can get 50% off!!
You can find a list of the classes on the co-op website or just go there and have some fun shopping at 1900 Alhambra Blvd (at S Street) in Midtown.

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