Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year! I'm not a big believer in resolutions, but I'm making one this year to be a better blogger. I really like this blog and we get good feedback, so I want to do a better job of updating it.

I also want to put out the call again for people to help contribute. I eat out a lot, but not enough to have a new blog every day (especially in these tough economic times)! If you're interested in helping out, send me an email or leave a comment and I'll set you up!

I am leaving on Tuesday for a two week trip to España, so I won't be able to start taking my resolution seriously until I get back from Europe. I'll try to take notes during my travels about all the tapas, fino and sherry I enjoy so I can share with you when I get back. ¡Adiós!

1 comment:

Carmen said...

Jen, I think I speak for all of us, when I say, "safe travels and please bring us back lots of stories of your yummy Spanish food adventures!" Somehow "Made In Spain" is not going to come close, I think.